Isolation and Expression Analysis of Brassica rapa WRKY 7

  • Kim, Seon-Seol (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Ko, Yu-Jin (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Jang, Ji-Young (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Lee, Theresa (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Lim, Myung-Ho (Brassica Genomics Team, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Park, Sang-Yeol (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Bae, Shin-Chul (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Yun, Choong-Hyo (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Park, Beom-Seok (Brassica Genomics Team, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA) ;
  • Hwang, Duk-Ju (Department of Molecular Physiology and Biochemistry, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (NIAB), RDA)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.01


The cDNA clone of Brassica rapa WRKY7 (BrWRKY7) was obtained from EST collection in Brassica genomics team and its DNA sequence was determined. The cDNA clone is 1,037 bp long in nucleotides and encodes an open reading frame of 307 amino acids. Based on a phylogenetic tree, BrWRKY7 belongs to group IId. BrWRKY7 was induced by wound and SA. It was also induced by pathogen attack such as Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), suggesting that this BrWRKY may play an essential role in defense response of chinese cabbages.



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