1년령 수컷 비글견이 심한 호흡곤란, 청색증, 식욕감소로 내원하였다. 외상의 병력은 없었으며, 내원 5일전에 Pseudomonas aeruginosa와 E. coli로 인한 세균성 폐렴의 진단을 받았다. 제한적인 호흡 양상을 보여 즉각적으로 산소를 투여하고 방사선검사를 실시하였다. 배복 촬영상에서 우측 흉강에 공기가 차 있었고, 우측 폐엽의 허탈, 종격, 심장과 대혈관의 좌방 변위가 관찰되었다. 외측상에서는 심첨이 흉골로부터 떨어져 있는 것이 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과로 세균성 폐렴으로 인한 속발성 자발 기흉으로 진단하고, 우측 흉강에 흉강 튜브를 삽관하였다. 삽관 3일후에 방사선 배복 촬영상에서, 우측 흉강의 공기는 제거되었으나 좌측 흉강에 기흉이 발생하여 심장이 우방변위된 것이 확인되었다. 따라서, 흉강튜브를 좌측 흉강에도 삽관하였다. 기흉이 완전히 회복되기까지, 우측 흉강 튜브는 5일간, 좌측 흉강튜브는 45일간 유지하였다. 추가로 세균성 폐렴의 치료와 튜브로 인한 역행성 감염을 방지하기 위해 항생제와 비타민 E를 처치하였다. 결과적으로, 환자는 완전히 회복되었고, 2년동안의 관찰기간 동안 재발증상 없이 정상 생활을 유지하였다.
One year old, male beagle dog was presented with acute onset of severe dyspnea, cyanosis, and anorexia. He had no trauma history. Five days earlier, the dog had been diagnosed as bacterial pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginora and E. coli. He exhibited a restrictive respiratory pattern and at admission, immediately oxygen supplementation given. On a ventrodorsal(VD) radiographic view, right lung was collapsed and contrasted with the air-filled pleural space. The mediastinum, heart, and great vessels were shifted to the left. On a right-lateral radioraphic view, the heart appeared to be elevated from the sternum. The dog was diagnosed as secondary spontaneous pneumothorax resulting from bacterial pneumonia. The chest tubes were placed on the right and left pleural cavity under general anesthesia. At 3 days after treatment, on a VD radiograph, air of right pleural cavity disappeared while left pleural cavity showed radiolucent area filled with air, and the heart was shift to the right. Therefore, the left tube thoracostomy was performed too. The right chest tube was maintained for 5 days and the left chest tube was maintained for 45 days. During the period, antibiotics and vitamin I were used for managing of bacterial pneumothorax and preventing of retroinfection through the tubes. As the result, bacterial pneumonia was well managed by medicines and secondary SP was completely treated that air in bilateral pleural cavity disappeared on radiographs. During the follow-up for 2 years, patient showed normal condition without recurrence.