마크로파아지 및 구리 이온으로 유도한 사람 low density lipoprotein의 산화에 대한 마늘 유황 화합물의 항산화 효과

Antioxidative Effects of Sulfur Containing Compounds in Garlic on Oxidation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein Induced by Macrophages and Copper Ion

  • 양승택 (경성대학교 식품생명공학과)
  • Yang, Seung-Taek (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Kyungsung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.01.31


마늘의 주성분인 유황 함유 화합물을 이용하여 사람 low density lipoprotein (LDL)의 산화에 대하여 항산화 활성을 실험하였다. 유황함유화합물인 1-methyl-1-cysteine, dimethyl trisulfide 및 1-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin의 농도를 각각 40, 60, $80{\mu}g/ml$ 씩 첨가하여 $Cu^{2+}$ 및 macrophages 유도로 LDL을 산화할 때 항산화 효능을 TBARS로 측정한 결과 용량 의존형으로 나타났으며 유황 함유 화합물이 모두 효능이 있었으며 항산화력은 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin > 1-methyl-1-cysteine > methyl trisulfide 순이었다. 이 때 유황 함유 화합물의 LDL에 대한 공액 2중결합에 대한 항산화 실험에서도 항산화 효과가 있었으며 $60{\mu}g/ml$의 농도에서 거의 억제되었다. 유황 함유 화합물 중에서는 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin이 다른 유황 함유 화합물에 비하여 약간 높은 항산화 효능을 나타내었다. Endothelial cell을 이용한 LDL의 산화에 대한 억제율은 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin이 가장 높게 나타났다.

Sulfur containing compounds in garlic have all be used as one of the traditional folk medicine as well as food source. The present study was performed to investigate the antioxidative compounds of 1-methyl-1-cysteine, dimethyl trisulfide and 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin. The antioxidative activity of sulfur containing compounds on human LDL was investigated by monitoring a thiobarbituric acid substances (TBARS). Sulfur containing compounds inhibited on oxidation of LDL mediated by $CuSO_4$ and macrophages in dose dependent manner with almost completely inhibition at $80{\mu}g/ml$. Antioxidant activities of sulfur containing compounds on LDL oxidation were 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin, 1-methyl-1-cysteine, and dimethyl trisulfide in order. Inhibitory effects of sulfur containing compounds on oxidation of LDL mediated by $CuSO_4$ and macrophages were degraded at much greater rate than native LDL, the LDL oxidation process was arrested as shown by the lower conjugated dienes formation at the concentration of $60{\mu}g/ml$. Sulfur containing compounds in garlic revealed at high antioxidative activity at low physiological concentration for human LDL oxidation in vitro specially, it was indicated that the antioxidative activity of 3-viny l-4H-1,2-dithiin was higher than that of the other sulfur containing compounds.



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