대학 소극장의 공간 계획에 관한 기초적 연구 - 서울시 소재 소극장의 내부 공간 분석을 중심으로 -

A Basic Study on the Space Planning of the University Small Theater - Focused on the Space Analysis of the Small Theaters in Seoul -

  • 정원주 (한양여자대학 인테리어디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2008.01.30


The purpose of this research is to make a basic study of a small theater planned to be built on the university campus for the exclusive use of performing arts. For this, the documents and records of small theaters in Seoul was first reviewed. And then, some selected theaters among small theaters opened since 2000 was examined and analyzed by their blueprints, design maps and actual measurement on the spot. Since 1990s, the increase in per capital income, the advancement of culture and arts, and the accompanying increase in demand have prompted universities to open performing arts courses. Going beyond the concept of a multipurpose auditorium a space devoted to professional performances has been increasingly needed by many universities. Small theaters that have been the subjects of study have become extinct or changed for other uses due to the rapid changes in the performing environment. This research examined theaters that have opened since 2000 and analyzed the data on their stages and seats. This study is intended for providing preliminary data for building of a small theater on the university campus.



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