Chemical Constituents and Flavonoids in Citrus Pressed Cake

감귤착즙박의 화학성분과 플라보노이드

  • Yang, Young-Taek (Jeju Special Self-governing Province Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Sil (Jeju Special Self-governing Province Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Hyun, Kwan-Hee (Jeju Special Self-governing Province Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Chol (Jeju Special Self-governing Province Agricultural Research & Extension Services) ;
  • Koh, Jeong-Sam (Faculty of Biotechnology, Cheju National University)
  • 양영택 (제주특별자치도농업기술원) ;
  • 김미실 (제주특별자치도농업기술원) ;
  • 현관희 (제주특별자치도농업기술원) ;
  • 김용철 (제주특별자치도농업기술원) ;
  • 고정삼 (제주대학교 생명공학부)
  • Published : 2008.02.28


To search functional biomaterials of citrus pressed cake, the chemical constituents were analyzed Moisture content of citrus pressed cake varied slightly with sampling time. Moisture, non-nitrogen compounds, crude protein, crude fat, and ash of citrus pressed cake were 82.23% 16.94% 1.27% 2.5%, 0.58% (all w/w) on average, respectively. The chemical composition of citrus pressed cake was more similar to the peel than to the flesh of Citrus unshiu var: miyakawa. The pH, acid content, and pectin content were 3.57, 0.43% (w/w) and 1.49% (w/w), respectively. The vitamin C content of peel of Citrus unshiu var. miyakawa was 87.1mg/100g, and was higher than the 46.4mg/100g of citrus pressed cake. Total carotenoids of citrus pressed cake, and the peel and flesh of Citrus unshiu var. miyakawa, were 512.2mg/kg, 2,649.5mg/kg, and 199.4mg/kg, respectively. Therefore, citrus pressed cake may be utilized as a natural source of pectin, flavonoids and carotenoids. The major inorganic elements of citrus pressed cake were 201.3mg/100g of K, 47.9mg/100g of Ca, 19.4/100g of P, and 17.8/100g of Mg. The major free sugar contents of citrus pressed cake were 3.05% (w/w) fructose, 2.91% (w/w) glucose, and 4.94%(w/w) sucrose. Total free sugar was 9.91% (w/w), corresponding to 58.5% of 1be non-nitrogen compounds. The main flavonoids of Citrus unshiuwere narirutin, hesperidin, and rutin. Neohesperidin and hesperetin were also detected in trace amounts. Themajor flavonoids of citrus pressed cake were hesperidin and narirutin, and the content of hesperidin was 194.6mg/100g.

감귤착즙박의 자원화를 위하여 감귤 착즙박과 완숙기에 수확한 궁천조생의 유용성분 등을 분석하였다. 채취시기에 따라 감귤착즙박의 성분 함량은 다소 차이는 있었으나, 평균적으로 수분 82.23%, 무질소화합물 16.94%, 조단백질 1.27%, 조지방 2.5%, 조회분 0.58%였다. 일반성분은 온주 밀감의 과육보다 껍질 부위의 특성과 비슷한 경향이었다. 감귤 착즙박의 pH는 3.57, 산 함량은 0.43%, 펙틴 1.49% 그리고 비타민 C는 온주밀감의 껍질 부위가 87.1mg/100g로 가장 높았으며, 감귤 착즙박에는 46.4mg/100g을 함유하였다. 총카로티노이드 함량은 감귤 착즙박, 온주밀감의 껍질 및 과육에 각각 512.2mg/kg, 2,649.5mg/kg, 199.4mg/kg으로 과육보다는 껍질에 많이 분포하였으며, 감귤 착즙박은 펙틴 및 카로티노이드의 소재원으로 이용가치가 높다고 판단되었다. 감귤 착즙박에 주요 무기성분은 칼륨 201.3 mg/100g, 칼슘 47.9mg/100g, 인산 19.4mg/100g, 마그네슘 17.8mg/100g이었다. 감귤 착즙박의 주요 유리당은 fructose 3.06%, glucose 2.91%, sucrose 3.94%였으며, 총 유리당은 9.91%로 무질소화합물의 58.5%였다 온주밀감의 주요 플라보노이드 성분은 대부분 배당체 형태로 존재하며 주로 narirutin, hesperidin, rutin 이었으며, 이 외로 neohesperidin, hesperetin이 검출되었다. 감귤 착즙박에서 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 플라보노이드는 hesperidin과 narirutin이었으며, hesperidin이 194.6mg/100g으로 가장 많이 함유하고 있었다.



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