Comparison of Sampling Methods for Anchovy Eggs and Larvae in Coastal Waters of the South Sea of Korea

남해 연안 멸치 난자치어 채집방법간 비교

  • Hwang, Sun-Do (National Fisheries Research & Dvelopment Institute) ;
  • Choi, Il-Su (Department of Applied Mathematics, Chonnam Nat'l Univ.) ;
  • Chu, Eun-Kyeon (South Sea Fisheries Re-search Institute, NFRDI)
  • Received : 2008.08.25
  • Accepted : 2008.09.27
  • Published : 2008.09.30


To investigate a proper sampling method for anchovy eggs and larvae in coastal waters of the South Sea, replicated samplings were made by different towing methods with different sampling gears and compared in terms of abundance and length composition. There was no significant difference in abundance in samples from vertical and oblique tows with a ring net. The abundance by replicated vertical tows with a ring net was not significantly different, but significant difference in abundance among sampling stations were found. The ring net sampled anchovy eggs in significantly greater numbers than collected by a NORPAC net, but both gears were not effective in obtaining quantitative samples of anchovy larvae larger than 3 mm. Therefore, samples by vertical tows with a ring net during the day at various stations is more efficient at estimating the density of anchovy eggs in an area compared to replicated sampling at a single station.



Grant : 남해연안어업자원관리연구

Supported by : 국립수산과학원


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