북한 상하수도 인프라 재구축: 현황과 전망

Reconstruction of North Korean Water Infrastructure: Present Status and Future Challenge

  • 윤주환 (한국물환경학회, 고려대학교)
  • Yun, Zuwhan (Korean Society on Water Quality, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


This paper reviews the infrastructure of the water supply and sewerage system in North Korea. North Korean has similar legal protection to preserve water environment that can be seen in Republic of Korea, but North Korean regulations seemed lack of detailed measures. The critical pollution problems of rivers and lakes in the northern part of peninsula is mainly due to the lack of sewage collection system and poor treatment works. It has been estimated that less than 20% of sewers are connected to the wastewater treatment plants. Although the availability of water resources seemed sufficient, North Koreans suffer the lack of the drinking water supply which needs an urgent attention. Based on the analysis, it has been suggested that the reconstruction of North Korean water and sewage infrastructure needs at least 17.5 trillion Korean Won.



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