중학생의 성별 및 학년에 따른 인터넷 사용·휴대폰 사용·학업성취도와의 관계

The Relations among Use of Internet and Cellular Phone and Academic Achievement with Middle School Students

  • 투고 : 2008.02.29
  • 심사 : 2008.07.01
  • 발행 : 2008.08.31


While internet and cellular phones are very attractive to adolescents, they cause a lot of problems because of adolescent's addiction to internet and cellular phones. The purpose of this study is to investigate relations among overuse of internet and cellular phone and academic achievement with middle school students according to their sex and grade. For this purpose, the survey consist of 44-item, self-administered paper-and-pencil questionnaire from 444 two middle schools students located in Busan. Also, their academic achievements were used for statistical data processing. As a result, firstly, middle school students did not tend to be so seriously addicted to the internet and cellular phones. The internet was used more by male students and cellular phones by female students, and the more male and female students used the internet, the higher they tended to use the cellular phones. There was a negative correlation between the tendency of internet use and academic achievement, but there were no significant differences between genders. In terms of the tendency of using cellular phones and academic achievement, there were no correlations among male students, but there was a negative correlation in female counterparts. Secondly, in terms of grade, the 2nd-grade students had a higher tendency to use both of them than the 1st- and 3rd-grade counterparts. The tendency of using the internet and cellular phones, in each grade had significantly static correlation and the higher they tended to use the internet, the lower they had academic achievement the 3rd-grade. On the other hand, the tendency of using cellular phones, only 2nd-grade students had low academic achievement.



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