A novel CaAbsi1 gene induced by early-abiotic stresses in pepper

  • 발행 : 2008.01.31


The full-length cDNA of CaAbsi1 encodes a presumptive protein of 134 amino acid residues that has homology to a putative zinc finger protein in its C-terminus. The deduced amino acid sequence has 50% homology to Oryza sativa NP001049-274, the function of which is unknown. Expression of CaAbsi1 was reduced in response to inoculation of non-host pathogens. On the other hand it was induced one hour after exposure to high concentrations of NaCl or mannitol, and six hours after transfer to low temperature. Induction also occurred in response to oxidative stress, methyl viologen, hydrogen peroxide and abscisic acid. Our results suggest that CaAbsi1 plays a role in multiple responses to wounding and abiotic stresses.



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