Effects of Enzyme Supplementation on Growth, Intestinal Content Viscosity, and Digestive Enzyme Activities in Growing Pigs Fed Rough Rice-based Diet

  • Wang, M.Q. (Animal Science College of Zhejiang University, and the Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition Ministry of Education) ;
  • Xu, Z.R. (Animal Science College of Zhejiang University, and the Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition Ministry of Education) ;
  • Sun, J.Y. (Animal Science College of Zhejiang University, and the Key Laboratory of Molecular Animal Nutrition Ministry of Education) ;
  • Kim, B.G. (Department of Animal and Food Sciences, University of Kentucky)
  • Received : 2007.05.19
  • Accepted : 2007.07.22
  • Published : 2008.02.01


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of exogenous non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) enzymes on performance, intestinal content viscosity and digestive enzyme activities of growing pigs fed a rough rice-based diet. A total of 60 crossbred barrows with an initial body weight of 35.16 kg (SD = 0.82) were blocked by body weight and randomly assigned to two treatments with three replications. Each group was fed the diet based on rice with or without exogenous NSP enzymes (2 g/kg of diet). During the 70 days of the feeding trial, all pigs were given free access to feed and water. At the end of the feeding trial, six pigs from each treatment were randomly selected and slaughtered to collect intestinal digesta, intestinal mucosa, and pancreas. The addition of NSP enzymes improved average daily gain (p<0.05) and feed:gain (p<0.05), and decreased viscosity of digesta in the jejunum (p<0.001) and ileum (p<0.01) of pigs. The supplementation of NSP enzymes increased activities of protease (p<0.01), trypsin (p<0.01) and ${\alpha}$-amylase (p<0.05) in duodenal contents. However, digestive enzymes in the pancreas, jejunal and ileal mucosa were unaffected by the supplemental NSP enzymes (p>0.10). The results indicate that the addition of NSP enzymes to rough rice-based diets improved performance of pigs, reduced viscosity and increased digestive activity in the small intestine.



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