Optimization of Process Parameters for Mill Scale Recycling Using Taguchi Method

다구찌 방법을 이용한 밀스케일 재활용에 대한 공정변수의 최적화

  • 백석흠 (동아대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 주원식 (동아대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 김창기 ((주)동아 이엔씨) ;
  • 정유엽 ((주)동아 이엔씨) ;
  • 신상운 (양산대학 전기전자기계) ;
  • 홍순혁 (부경대학교 산업과학기술연구소)
  • Published : 2008.02.01


With society focusing more and more on environmental issues, the recycling of materials of all types has become an important concern. In this paper, optimization method is developed for reducing cost and improving quality in mill scale recycling. An experimental investigation into the process parameter effects is presented to determine the optimum configuration of parameters for performance, quality and cost. Taguchi's optimization approach was used to obtain the optimal parameters. The significant parameters were identified and their effects on mill scale recycling were studied. As a results, a confirmation experiment with the optimal levels of process parameters was carried out in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Taguchi method.



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