부부싸움에서 사용하는 의사소통 행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 - 부부를 분석단위로 하여 -

The Influence of Married Couples' Argument-Communication Behaviors on Marital Satisfaction - Analyses at the Dyadic Level -

  • 권윤아 (부산대학교 아동가족학과) ;
  • 김득성 (부산대학교 아동가족학과.노인생활환경연구소)
  • Kwon, Yoon-A (Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kim, Deuk-Sung (Department of Child Development and Family Studies.Research Institute of Ecology for the Elderly, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


Using a sample of 107 married couples, this study investigated the influence of self-reported argument-communication behaviors on marital satisfaction. The results were as follows. (a) Wives used more criticism, contempt, and self-assertion during marital arguments than husbands. There were no significant gender differences in the levels of defensiveness, stonewalling, and active listening. (b) Multilevel analyses indicated that marital satisfaction was predicted by the person's own level of self-assertion and stonewalling(i.e., actor effects) and by his or her spouse's level of stonewalling(i.e., partner effect). No other significant actor and partner effects were found. Also, there were no significant gender differences in the sizes of effects. (c) A cluster analysis of both spouses' communication behaviors during marital arguments identified four distinct groups of married couples. : mutual constructive, husband constructive-wife destructive, husband destructive-wife constructive, and mutual destructive. Mutual constructive couples reported the best marital satisfaction.



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