Aesthetic Characteristics of Modern Fashion Design with Emphasis on Transparency

투명성을 이용한 현대 패션디자인의 미적 특성

  • Kim, Sun-Young (Department of Fashion Design, Sunchon National University)
  • Published : 2008.10.30


The purpose of this study was to identify the aesthetic characteristics of modern fashion design use with a particular focus on transparency, and to help create future vision and feature. As part of the methodology for this study, I examined the concept of transparency, its characteristics and how it was expressed through art, architecture and other designs using literature research. Furthermore, I performed justifiable analysis on modern fashion design which used transparency from the 1990s till present. The following concepts were deciphered from information: Firstly, the concept of purity was highlighted. The emphasis here was to enhance the body's natural beauty with simple silhouettes that do not restrict its curves, using light materials such as clear vinyl, semi-clear materials or thin chiffon. Secondly, to express sensuality by exposing the body's curves with tight wrapping using clear materials, or with indirect and symbolic see-through techniques using contrasting clear, semi-clear and opaque materials. Thirdly, to express futurism through cyber and electronic images using high tech or shiny materials such as metal or holograms. Mechanical movements or effects of light are also used. Fourthly, to express playful characteristic by promoting surprises and disharmony that contradict with traditional techniques. This is carried out by intentionally exaggerating certain portions of clothes through disorder elements or confusion, and unsymmetrical shapes which destruct the human body's normal form.



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