갈근, 복령 및 황련의 항산화성 및 미백효과

Antioxidative Property and Whitening Effect of the Pueraria Radix, Poria Cocos and Coptidis Rhizoma

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


In order to fine antioxidant and whitening agent source from nature, the comparisons of antioxidative activity and tyrosinase inhibitory activity were carried out for various ethanol extract on Pueraria Radix, Poria Cocos, and Coptidis Rhizoma. Comparing for three ethanol extracts, the highest electron donating ability was found at Poria Cocos (81.2%), but, the highest SOD-like ability, at the Coptidis Rhizoma(58%). Xanthine oxidase experiment exhibited 23.3% of hindrance effect in Pueraria Radix, and 79.3% in Poria Cocos. To evaluate at the whitening effect, tyrosinase inhibitory activity was conducted. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity was detected at 17.9% in the Puerariae Radix, 5.2% in the Poria Cocos and 83.3% in the Coptidis Rhizoma. From these results, we suggest that the ethanol extracts from Pueraria Radix, Poria Cocos, and Coptidis Rhizoma can be used for cosmetic ingredients.



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