바쁜 의사를 위한 영어발표 요령

Tips for English Presentations by Busy Doctors

  • 송호영 (울산대학교 의과대학 영상의학교실)
  • Song, Ho-Young (Department of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.15


When you present a medical scientific paper or give a lecture in English, It is important to visit your presentation room in advance to gain familiarity with the controls and the computer. You can check how to use the mouse or laser pointer and determine where the microphones are. You should meet the Chairman and introduce yourself. You may ask the Chairman any questions you have. I am confident this strategy will work for beginners because they are usually nervous before their presentations. Most Chairmen prepare one or two questions for the presenters to stimulate discussion. Speaking with the Chairman also allows you to determine the type of English that he or she speaks (i.e., French-English, Spanish-English, and British-English). You need to be comfortable with the Chairman's English before the presentation because the Chairman will repeat the questions for you when you do not understand a question from the audience. Although I have given a number of lectures and moderated many scientific sessions and symposiums in English over the past 20 years, it is still difficult and stressful for me to do these in English because English is not my first language. To overcome the problems, I have written down the questions and useful English expressions that I have received during or after my presentation because I found them helpful for my next presentation. I hope the examples will be of great help to you.
