마닐라 광역시 물공급 이슈(Issues) 진단

The Assessment of Water Supply Issues in Metro Manila

  • Rubio, Christabel Jane (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Kim, Lee Hyung (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Jeong, Sang Man (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The Philippine government enacted the National Water Crisis Act in 1995, as a response to the burgeoning situation of water supply systems in the country. This act led to the privatization of Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), sector having jurisdiction and control over all waterworks and sewerage systems in a service area including Metro Manila. Nowadays, the region's supply of water is still facing a lot of difficulties, both in quality and quantity. The unabated migration of people to the metro which increases its population, tapping from the aged pipelines, lack of water facilities and infrastructure, excessive groundwater withdrawal, environmental degradation, and surface and groundwater pollution are some of the issues that Metro Manila have to deal with. These situations lead to two primary water supply issues suffered by Metro Manila: water shortage and flooding. The purpose of this paper was to present water supply in Metro Manila with respect to the problems in its distribution, environmental implications and quality. In this paper, several technical reports, published literature, and news articles were consulted and became the major basis for identifying gaps and suggesting remedial measures.
