The Effects of Multimedia Educational Program on Knowledge and Behaviors of Preschool Children in Preventing Respiratory Disorders

호흡기 질환 예방을 위한 멀티미디어 교육이 학령전기 환아의 지식 및 행위에 미치는 효과

  • Published : 2008.04.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of multimedia educational program of the prevention of respiratory disorders on knowledge and behavior of preschool children. Method: The research design used a nonequivalent control group pre-posttest. 32 subjects in the control group received no intervention, 33 subjects in experimental group received a multimedia educational program that consists of video, named 'The strong girl and weak girl', 5 different picture boards, method of hand washing, tooth brushing, and reinforcement. The data were analyzed by using $x^2$-test and t-test for determining of homogeneity and testing the hypothesis. Results: There were significant increases in knowledge and behavior in the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusion: From the results of this study, the multimedia educational program significantly increased knowledge and behaviors of preschool children for preventing respiratory disorders. These findings suggest that a multimedia educational program can be used as an efficient nursing intervention of preschool children for preventing respiratory disorders.
