해동피복합방(海桐皮複合方)이 Collagen II 유발 관절염에 미치는 실험적 연구

The Experimental Effect of Haedongpibokhap-bang (Hǎitóngpífùhé-fāng) on Collagen-induced Arthritis

  • 공상은 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실) ;
  • 오민석 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실)
  • Kung, Shyang-En (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae-Jeon University) ;
  • Oh, Min-Seok (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae-Jeon University)
  • 투고 : 2008.03.11
  • 심사 : 2008.04.08
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


Objectives : The aim of this study was to know the immunity response of Haedongpibokhap-bang($H{\check{a}}it{\acute{o}}ngp{\acute{i}}f{\grave{u}}h{\acute{e}}-f{\bar{a}}ng$) to rheumatoid arthritis in collagen-induced arthritis(CIA) mice. Methods : For this purpose, Haedongpibokhap-bang($H{\check{a}}it{\acute{o}}ngp{\acute{i}}f{\grave{u}}h{\acute{e}}-f{\bar{a}}ng$) was orally administerd to mice with arthritis induced by collagen II and then value of immunocyte in spleen, draining lymph node and paw joint and cytokine(IL-6, $TNF-{\alpha}$), rheumatoid factor (IgG and IgM) in serum were measured. Results : 1. The arthritis index was significantly decreased. 2. In total cell counts of spleen, DLN and paw joint, the cells in spleen decreased while there was a significant increase in DLN and significant decrease in paw joint. 3. In lymph nodes, CD3+, CD3+/CD69+, CD4+, CD8+ cells increased significantly. 4. In joints, CD3+ and CD11+b/Gr-1+ cells decreased significantly. 5. Serum IL-6 and $TNF-{\alpha}$ were decreased significantly. 6. Production of serum IgG and IgM decreased significantly. Conclusions : The results present that Haedongpibokhap-bang($H{\check{a}}it{\acute{o}}ngp{\acute{i}}f{\grave{u}}h{\acute{e}}-f{\bar{a}}ng$) controls abnormal activity of immune system, inhibitig collagen-induced arthritis(CIA).
