Security Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols Based on Trusted Freshness

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


A novel idea of protocol security analysis is presented based on trusted freshness. The idea has been implemented not only by hand but also by a belief muitisets formalism for automation. The key of the security analysis based on trusted freshness is a freshness principle: for each participant of a cryptographic protocol, the security of the protocol depends only on the sent or received one-way transformation of a message, which includes a trusted freshness. The manual security analysis method and the belief multisets formalism are all established on the basis of the freshness principle. Security analysis based on trusted freshness can efficiently distinguish whether a message is fresh or not, and the analysis results suggest the correctness of a protocol convincingly or the way to construct attacks intuitively from the absence of security properties. Furthermore, the security analysis based on trusted freshness is independent of the idealization of a protocol, the concrete formalization of attackers' possible behaviors, and the formalization of concurrent runs of protocols.



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