A study on the welding performance of korean automatic gas pressure welding machine by external appearance investigation

외관검사를 통한 한국형 철근자동가스압접기의 압접성능 연구

  • Published : 2008.12.20


This study is focused on the welding performance of automatic gas pressure welding machine adapted to korean construction site by external appearance investigation. As gas pressure welding is more economical and has good performances compared with other steel bar jointing methods, as arc welding and mechanical joint etc, in Japan, the gas pressure welding is one of the typical connection of steel reinforcement when connecting the D29 and thicker steel bars, But in Korea, gas pressure welding joint method is not widely used caused by the shortage of skilled workers. so to activate the gas pressure welding in Korea, the automatic gas pressure welding machine is developed. In this study, the welding performances of gas pressure welding joint samples using korean automatic gas pressure welding machine are measured by external appearance investigation - blown diameters, blown length, welding face disagreement, central axis eccentric ratio, bending, sag and crack. The results of welding performances on the gas pressure welding joint samples show that samples are satisfied with the standard value regulated in KS D 0244 and JIS Z 3120.



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