전기그릴과 전자레인지 재가열이 소금농도와 인산염 첨가수준에 따른 분쇄 돈육 패티의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Electric Grill and Microwave Oven Reheating Methods on the Quality Characteristics of Precooked Ground Pork Patties with Different NaCl and Phosphate Levels

  • 최지훈 (건국대학교 축산식품생물공학) ;
  • ;
  • 김학연 (건국대학교 축산식품생물공학) ;
  • 안광일 (건국대학교 축산식품생물공학) ;
  • 김천제 (건국대학교 축산식품생물공학)
  • Choi, Ji-Hun (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University) ;
  • Jeong, Jong-Youn (Department of Animal Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) ;
  • Kim, Hack-Youn (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University) ;
  • An, Kwang-Il (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Cheon-Jei (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different reheating methods on the quality characteristics of precooked ground pork patties with different combinations of salt (1, 2%) and phosphate (0, 0.3%). The cooking and reheating methods used were the electric grill and the microwave oven. The cooking method and the addition of phosphate had detectable effects on the quality characteristics of ground pork patties. The reheating rate by microwave oven was faster than by electric grill, and decreased with increases in salt and the addition of phosphate. Cooking loss and reduction in patty diameter after reheating by microwave oven were higher than by electric grill, and these values decreased with increasing of salt/phosphate levels. The pH of patties with added phosphate was significantly higher than patties without phosphate, and no significant difference in pH was observed among patties reheated by each method. The patties reheated by electric grill had higher moisture contents than those reheated by electric grill, and the addition of phosphate resulted in higher moisture contents. The hardness of patties reheated by electric grill was lower than patties reheated by microwave oven, and the addition of phosphate increased the hardness with both reheating methods.



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