세그먼트 아키텍처 방법을 적용한 한국교육학술정보원 ITA 도입 방안 연구

A Study on the KERIS Introduction of ITA to Which Segment Architecture is Applied

  • 박형용 (한국교육학술정보원(KERIS) 정보기반기획팀) ;
  • 한창오 (한국교육학술정보원(KERIS) 정보기반기획팀) ;
  • 김세훈 (한국교육학술정보원(KERIS) 정보기반기획팀) ;
  • 김형진 (한국교육학술정보원(KERIS) 정보기반기획팀)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The KERIS having a central role in education information has selected IT Architecture as a means to provide high quality service for customers; based on this, it intends to lay the groundwork for general information projects to come and perform the IT Governance, the management system for information system. The KERIS set up a mid- and long-term road map in order to introduce and utilize ITA and has been preparing for the introduction of architecture to a proper business sector using architecture approaches by segments(sectors) since 2005. This study presented several cases which organizations can refer to when they introduce architecture while promoting an architecture project; and the details were discussed as follows.ition stage, but planned decision-making will take over when it is proven to be effective with information searching.



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