사건 개념에 의한 한국전통마당의 전의(轉依)성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Successive Circularity of Korean Traditional Yard by Simulacre Concept

  • 김지은 (국민대학교 테크노디자인전문대학원 실내디자인) ;
  • 김개천 (국민대학교 조형대학 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This thesis is to make it clear that simulacre concept of is an important factor that provides the motive to make spaces and to make it clear that yard in Korean traditional architecture has more meaning of a container that contains the simulacres of life than formal aspects. Namely, focusing on the simulacres, among existing important factors that cause changes in architectural spaces such as structure, function, beauty, I shall make it clear that simulacre concept, which is a creation thinking of post-structuralism philosopher, Deleuze, is a logic that builds and changes spaces. Also, the purpose of this research is to investigate successive circularity of yard spaces with the mutual relationship between simulacre concept that has virtual multiplicity and yard in Korean traditional architecture, a space of infinite emptiness. When certain simulacres occur in the yard, the ambivalence of simulacres provides meanings to yard by affiliating numerous simulacre factors, then by combination among those meanings, yard get mutual dependence. This is an important core point that I have focused on the beginning of this research. This research has found out the successive circularity of yard based on the relationship between simulacres and the essence of yard. The meaning of this research is to have found out that yard has the meaning of "a bowl that contains the simulacres of life," going over the simple meaning as a space between door and fence. Also, the simulacre concept is thought to be discussed as a motive for creation of various spaces from now on.



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