총체적 서비스 경험을 만드는 서비스 스케이프 디자인과정 연구

A Study on the Servicescape Design Process Creating the Whole Service Experiences

  • 안주영 (동서대학교 디자인학부 환경디자인)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The service sector is growing and service is complicated with various customer needs in the competitive markets. Bill Hollins urges that services must be designed. I believe that service experiences must be designed with servicescape as an environment surrounding services. Servicescape is the physical and social environments of service. Service experiences do not depend only on the aesthetic impression of physical servicescape. One of the main characteristics of services is that the most value of services are accomplished from interaction between customer and service encounters. The design of physical servicescape affects the interaction between customer and service encounters and the behavior of both customer and service suppliers' including social factors such as display emotions and the interpersonal distance between customers. Servicescape design should control tangible and intangible area of service events. In addition servicescape design creates customer's good experiences in the servicescape. This research proposes the possibilities and proper design process of servicescape design. Servicescape Design should control the activities including interrelations of participants, efficient service delivery process, and the united images of services for creating the satisfied service experience values.



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