한의학과 중의학에 대한 수요자들의 태도연구 - 한국과 중국 대학생을 대상으로 -

Study on the Attitudes Toward Korean Oriental Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine - Based on the Responses of the University Students in Korea and China -

  • Lee, Hyun-Ji (Faculty of Liberal Education, Keimyung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.25


This paper investigates the attitudes of medical users toward Korean oriental medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and their future demand. The subjects are 404 university students both in Korea and in China. The items that were questioned in this paper were the attitudes toward Korean oriental medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, the experience of using the medicine, the reason they used the traditional medicine, the factors that made them satisfied with the medicine, and the future plan for using the traditional medicine. The reason the university students were selected as subjects was that they have more possibilities as future users of the traditional medicine. This paper show that Chinese students have more positive attitude toward the traditional medicine than Korean students. The Koreans' experience rate of using the traditional medicine was comparatively high and the subjects in both the countries used the western medicine for the symptoms of a cold and dental problems. For the illness of stomach, Korean and Chinese subjects used the traditional medicine and the western medicine half and half. This paper presented the subjects with the common 14 diseases that they can have and asked which medicine they will use when they have the diseases. The results of analysis indicate that the subjects tend to use different medical institution according to the diseases. The subjects in Korea and China selected different medical institution for the same disease. From the analysis of the questionnaire, it can be seen that there are some differences between Koreans and Chinese in using the medical institution, which results from the difference in medical culture and the relationship between the traditional medicine and medical users could be figured out.



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