국내 하도급의 근로자 보호방안에 관한 연구

Subcontractors Protection Scheme for Harmful Works in Korea

  • Kim, Byung-Suk (Department of safety Engineering, Chungju National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


It compared subcontractor with contractor that are wages, the labor hour and labor condition of the work environment back are inferior relative. The subcontractor which basically the contract workers evade the dangerous process or the difficult work, the dirty work back what is called 3D the case which does to keep a business is many. so With life it will be threatened consequent health directly. The possibility where the subcontractor will be exposed to danger work came to be high. Consequently it prevents the subcontract which danger work is insensitive from this research and immediacy of the subcontract workers who is weak hygiene circumstance complement the plan it will be able to secure the immediacy safety&health subcontract workers, substantially to prepare in the hazard subcontract proprietor. Thus, this paper aims at presenting countermeasures to substantially secure safety and health of subcontractors by preventing ill-advised subcontracting of harmful and hazardous operations and imposing partial occupational safety and health responsibility to employers to enhance safety and health environment of subcontractors.



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