Integration of User Profiles and Real-time Context Information Reflecting Time-based Changes for the Recommendation System

  • Lee, Se-Il (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kongju National University) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Yong (Division of Computer Science & Engineering, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.01


Under ubiquitous environment, recommendation system is using the collaborative filtering methods by quantifying context information, but insufficient context information can cause inaccurate recommendation result. In order to solve such problems, the researcher used context information and user's profile. But service history information in users' profiles can have the problems of being influenced by change of the user's taste or fashion as time passes by. In addition, context information and user's profile can't be properly inter-locked according to situation, which can cause inaccurate predictability. In this paper, in case a user's taste or fashion is changed as time passes by, the researcher didn't apply bundled-up value to the user's profile but applied different weight according to change of time. And the researcher could solve the problem that context information and a user's profile can't be properly inter-locked according to situation by applying different weight to the result gained by means of collaborative filtering and then by unifying it. In such ways, the researcher could improve predictability.



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