Science of Emotion and Sensibility (감성과학)
- Volume 11 Issue 4
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- Pages.637-644
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- 2008
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- 1226-8593(pISSN)
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- 2383-613X(eISSN)
The study on emotion recognition by time-dependent parameters of autonomic nervous response
TDP(time-dependent parameters)를 적용하여 분석한 자율신경계 반응에 의한 감성인식에 대한 연구
- Kim, Jong-Hwa (Division of Computer Science, Sangmyung University) ;
Whang, Min-Cheol
(Division of Digital Media Technology, Sangmyung University) ;
- Kim, Young-Joo (Division of Computer Science, Sangmyung University) ;
- Woo, Jin-Cheol (Division of Computer Science, Sangmyung University)
- Published : 2008.12.31
Human emotion has been tried to be recognized by physiological measurements in developing emotion machine enabling to understand and react to user's emotion. This study is to find the time-dependent physiological measurements and their variation characteristics for discriminating emotions according to dimensional emotion model. Ten university students were asked to watch sixteen prepared images to evoke different emotions. Their subjective emotions and autonomic nervous responses such as ECG (electrocardiogram), PPG (photoplethysmogram), GSR (Galvanic skin response), RSP (respiration), and SKT(skin temperature) were measured during experiment. And these responses were analyzed into HR(Heart Rate), Respiration Rate, GSR amplitude average, SKT amplitude average, PPG amplitude, and PTT(Pulse Transition Time). TDPs(Time dependent parameters) defined as the delay, the activation, the half recovery and the full recovery of respective physiological signal in this study have been determined and statistically compared between variations from different emotions. The significant tendencies in TDP were shown between emotions. Therefore, TDP may provide useful measurements with emotion recognition.
감성을 인식하고 반응하는 감성컴퓨터를 개발하기 위한 감성인식에 대한 연구가 활발하다. 본 연구는 2차원으로 정의한 감성을 측정하기 위해서 시간에 따른 생리신호의 반응 변수를 정의하고 그 변수로 인한 감성을 구분하고자 하였다. 10명의 대학생에게 16장의 감성을 유발시킬 수 있는 이미지를 제시하였다. 그리고 자율신경계 반응으로 ECG(electrocardiogram), PPG(photoplethysmogram), GSR(Galvanic skin response), RSP (respiration), 그리고 SKT(skin temperature)를 측정하였다. 본 연구는 자율신경계 반응에 대해 Delay, Activation, Half recovery 그리고 Full recovery로 이루어진 TDP(Time Dependent Parameters)를 정의하고 감성을 구분할 수 있는지에 대한 통계적 유의성을 검증하였다. 그 결과, TDP가 감성을 구분할 수 있는 유의미한 변수로 확인하였고 특징적 경향을 보임을 알 수 있었다. 그러므로 본 연구는 TDP가 감성 인식을 위한 유효한 변수일 가능성을 보였다.