대학생의 기숙사 실내공간에 대한 주거만족도 - 광주.전남지역을 중심으로 -

University Students' Housing Satisfaction of the University Dormitory - Focusing on the Gwangju & Chonnam Area -

  • 김미희 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과, 생활과학연구소) ;
  • 오지영 (전남대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.25


This study examined the actual use and users‘ satisfaction with the university dormitories in Gwangju and Chonnam and analyse the related variables that affect on them. Self-administered questionnaires were provided to 200 university students from Gwangju and the Chonnam area. The collected data was used to conduct comparative and descriptive statistical analysis: T-test Below are the study findings. Female students express more satisfaction with community affinity than male students in the satisfaction about socio-psychological environment. Students residing in the rooms for 2 persons express more satisfaction with the division of private space with common space, study appropriateness etc. than those residing in the rooms for 4 persons. Students residing in the cluster-type rooms express more satisfaction with the division of private space with common spaces study appropriateness and relationship with other students in other rooms etc. In relation to the room environment, female students express less dissatisfaction with the noise than male students. Students residing in the rooms for 2 persons express more satisfaction with the room size, interior temperature pleasantness, brightness etc. than those residing the in rooms for 4 persons. Students residing in the cluster-type rooms express more satisfaction with the bed size, the condition of interior finishing, interior temperature pleasantness, brightness and interior air pleasantness etc. than those residing in unit-rooms. In relation to common using environment, male students express more satisfaction with the library than female students. And students residing in the rooms for 4 persons and those residing in the cluster-type rooms express more satisfaction with lounge than those residing in the rooms for 2 persons and those residing in the unit-rooms. Organizing the university domitory planning according to the students' demands, based on this study, the change to general function of domitory in sleeping, studying, leisure activity and culture acitivity is needed. Interior environment technical factor of interior air pleasantness and noise should be improved.



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