아동기 학대경험과 청소년의 자살생각 간의 관계 : 수치심과 친구관계의 매개효과를 중심으로

Effects of Abusive Experiences on Adolescent's Suicidal Ideation : Focusing on Mediating Effects of Shame-proneness and Friendships

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This study aimed to assess the roll of various abusive factors on suicide thoughts. In particular, the effects of negligence, physical and emotional abuse, as the subordinate variables of abuse, were examined on suicide ideation. In addition, the mediation effects of shame-proneness and friendships were also investigated. To achieve these specific objectives, subordinate dimensions of abuse such as negligence, physical abuse and emotional abuse were measured for 277 male and 275 female students from Seoul middle schools using a measurement tool. Specifically, experiences of being abused and neglected, the level of suicide thoughts using scale for suicidal ideation (SSI), the level of shame-proneness and friendships using personal feelings questionnaire-2(PFQ-2), and schoolmate relationships were measured using a questionnaire. Analysis of collected data revealed that while suicide thoughts showed significant positive relationship with abuse and shame-proneness, there was a significant negative relationship between suicide thoughts and friendships. In particular, negligence, physical abuse and emotional abuse had significant effects on suicide ideation, while emotional abuse had the greatest effect on suicide ideation. Shame-proneness and friendships partially mediated abuse and suicide thoughts. The findings of this study have contributed to understanding of factors related to suicide thoughts. In particular, the mediation effects of shame-proneness and friendships have been highlighted.



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