연료전지 전원을 갖는 Z-소스 능동전력필터에 의한 장거리 배전선로의 전압 THD 저감

Voltage THD Mitigation of Power Distribution System using Z-Source Active Power Filter with a Fuel Cells Source

  • 정영국 (대불대학교 융합기술학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.01


This paper deals with a Z-source active power filter(Z-AFU) for mitigation voltage THD(total harmonic distortion) due to voltage harmonic propagation(amplification) in 6.6kv power distribution system. Bus voltage harmonic signal is detected by 60Hz butterworth BPF(band pass filter). As an ESS(energy storage system) of the proposed system, PEM fuel cells(Ballard NEXA, 1.2kw) is employed. Test results based on PSIM(power electronics simulation tool) validate the proposed approach.



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