Study on Pressure drop characteristics in HTS cable core with two flow passages

  • 발행 : 2008.11.30


The main objective of this study is to identify the pressure drop characteristics of coolant flow passages of 154kV/1GVA High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) power cable, experimentally. The passages were consisted of two parts, the one is the circular path with spiral ribs in the core to cool the cable conductor layer and the other is annular path with spirally corrugated outer wall to cool the shield layer. Thus the experiments to acquire the pressure drop data were performed with two types of circular spiral tubes and eight types of the concentric annuli in various range of Reynolds number. The pressure drops in the core tubes and the annuli were much higher than those in the tubes with smooth surface. Therefore, modified correlations to present the experimental results in each flow passage were suggested.



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