영동 산간지역 민가의 평면 변화에 관한 고찰 - 삼척시 미로면 고천리 마을을 대상으로 -

Research on the Plan Exchange of the Vernacular Dwelling in Yong-Dong Mountain Region

  • 발행 : 2008.10.25


This research considers the characteristics of the plan of the vernacular form of dwelling in KoCheon-Ri village, situated in the Yong-Dong mountain region. As part of this study, an analysis of local diversity is carried out. The current existing village houses in Kocheon-Ri can be categorized according to their floor structure, either as a wooden-floored or an Ondol-floored Kyup-jip(a double row house type). It was found that the wooden-flooded Kyup-jip house has been transformed into Ondol-floorded Kyup-jip due to a range of various factors. In order to clarify the characteristics of the vernacular dwelling type occurring in a particular area, it is important to determine the typical form that appears within the broader area. However, differences is also essential.



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