A 10-year-old castrated male Schnauzer (case 1) and a 13-year-old intact male Schnauzer (case 2) was referred with mass of left hind limb. We performed hemogram, serum chemistry, radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, fine needle aspiration and histopathology. The complete blood counts and serum biochemistry results were within the reference range. Radiography showed cutaneous mass with soft tissue density. The lesions of two dogs were revealed a definite marginated hyperechoic mass with vascularization in ultrasonography. Computed tomography showed an isodense mass in the left hind limb region with minimal contrast enhancing in case 1 and heterogenous enhancement in case 2. Cytology from ultrasonographic guided aspiration of the mass was suspected fibrous tissue-derived benign cell in two dogs. A surgical excision was performed in two dogs. In histological examination of the resected mass, cutaneous fibroma was revealed. The two patients were successfully treated by surgery and postoperative care. This report decribes and compares radiographic, ultrasonographic, computed tomographic, cytologic and histopathologic features of the cutaneous fibroma of two schnauzer dogs.