Structure of Intertidal Macroalgal Community at the Yeonpyeongdo Islets, Korea

  • Choi, Han-Gil (Faculty of Biological Science and Research Institute for Basic Science, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Yoo, Hyun-Il (Faculty of Biological Science and Research Institute for Basic Science, Wonkwang University) ;
  • Song, Hong-In (West Sea Fisheries Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Intertidal benthic algal communities on the shores of Gujido and Daeyeonpyeongdo islets, Korea, were examined in October 2007. At both sites, 45 seaweeds including 7 green, 6 brown and 32 red algae were identified. The number of species at Gujido(38 species) was 1.5 times higher than at Daeyeonpyeongdo(25 species), but seaweed coverage was very similar with about 20%. Dominant seaweeds in terms of coverage and importance value were Hildenbrandtia sp., Caulacanthus okamurae, Ulva pertusa, and Gelidium amansii at Gujido and U. pertusa, Hildenbrandtia sp., Gelidium divaricatum at Daeyeonpyeongdo. The vertical distribution pattern of the seaweeds was G. divaricatum-U. pertusa, Hildenbrandtia sp.-U. pertusa, Hildenbrandtia sp., Ishige okamurae from upper to lower intertidal zone but seaweed zonations were not observed on the Gujido rocky shore. At both sites, coarsely-branched forms were the dominant functional group in species number and percent cover(among benthic algal species). The rocky shores of the two sites were dominated by crustose coralline and green algae, whose presence generally results in decreased seaweed biodiversity and community stability. Therefore, the shores of the Yeonpyeongdo islets are of considerable environmental concern and should be monitored for seaweed species composition and community structure.



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