어린이와 청소년 환자에서 일차의료의 지속성과 입원 위험도의 관련성

Association of Higher Continuity of Primary Care with Lower Risk of Hospitalization among Children and Adolescent Patients

  • 최용준 (한림대학교 의과대학 사회의학교실.사회의학연구소) ;
  • 강성현 (앨버타대학교 수리통계학과) ;
  • 김용익 (서울대학교 의과대학 의료관리학교실)
  • Choi, Yong-Jun (Dept. Social and Preventive Medicine, college of Medicine, Hallym University Health Services Research Center, Hallym University) ;
  • Kang, Sung-Hyun (Dept. of Mathematical and Statistical Science, University of Alberta) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Ik (Dept. of Health Policy and Management, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


This study aims to describe levels and distribution of the continuity of primary care among children and adolescent patients who are 2-19 years old, and analyze the effects of it on the risk of hospitalization. Study population was 2-19 year old child and adolescent patients as of 2002, who had more than three ambulatory care visits in the years of 2002-3 and whose most frequent provider was the primary care practices (189,660 persons). Association of levels of primary care with the risk of hospitalization was evaluated using multiple event survival analysis. Outcome variables were whether the patient had hospitalized or not, and whether the patient had hospitalized due to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions or not. Multiple event survival analysis revealed statistically significant association of the levels of primary care with the risk of hospitalization. Hazard ratio was 1.34 [1.27-1.41] at the medium level of continuity and 1.47 [1.39-1.55] at the lower level where outcome variable was whether the patient had been hospitalized or not. Hazard ratios were 1.35 [1.21-1.50] at the medium level of continuity and 1.60 [1.44-1.78] at the lower level, where outcome variable was whether the patient been had hospitalized due to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions or not. This study produced some evidences on the benefits of continuity of care, which will in turn support the introduction of personal doctor registration program in the future.



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