Co-author.Keyword Network and its Two Culture Appearance in Health Policy Fields in Korea: Analysis of articles in the Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration, 1991~2006

국내 보건학 분야 학술활동의 군집화와 '두 문화' 현상 - 보건행정학회지(1991~2006) 게재논문의 공저자 네트워크 분석 -

  • Jung, Min-Soo (Dept. of Medical Sociology, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University) ;
  • Chung, Dong-Jun (Dept. of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • 정민수 (서울대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 정동준 (위스컨신대학교 통계학과)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


This research analyzed. knowledge structure and its effect factor by analysis of co-author and keyword network in Korea's health policy and administration sector. The data was extracted from 339 articles listed in the Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration, and was transformed into a co-author and keyword matrix. In this matrix the existence of a link was defined by impact factors which were calculated by the weight value of what the role was and the rate of how many authors contributed. We demonstrated that the research achievement was dependent on the author's status and network index. Analysis methods were neighborhood degree, correspondence analysis, multiple regression and the difference of weight distribution by research fields. Co-author networks were developed as closeness centrality as well as degree centrality by a few high productivity researchers. In particular, power law distribution was discovered in impact factor and research productivity. The effect of the author's role was significant in both the impact factor calculated by the participatory rate and the number of listed articles. Especially, this journal shared its major researchers who had a licensed physician with the Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Therefore, social scientists were likely to be small co-author network differently from natural scientists. It was so called 'two cultures' phenomenon. This study showed how can we verified academic research structure existed in the unit of journal like as citation networks. The co-author networks in the field of health policy and administration had more differentiated and clustered than preventive medicine and epidemiology fields.



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