Experimental Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Geo-grid Reinforced Material and Long-Term Performance of GT/HDPE Composite

  • Published : 2008.09.01


This paper is concerned with the long-term performance of geo-textile (GT) composites in terms of creep deformation and frictional properties. Composites of PVA GT and HDPE GM were made to investigate the advanced properties of long-term performance related to waste landfill applications. The same experiments were also performed for typical polypropylene and polyester GT and compared to PVA GT/HDPE GM composites. We also develop high performance GT composites with GM by using PVA GT, which is capable of improving the frictional properties and thus enhances long-term performance of GT composites. Experimental study reveals that the friction coefficient of GT composites is relatively large compared with those of polyester and polypropylene non-woven GT as long as the friction media has similar size to the particles of domestic standard earth. In addition, the geo-composites bonded with geo-grid by a chemical process were investigated experimentally in terms of strain evaluation and creep response values. Geo-grid plays an important role as a reinforcing material. Three kinds of geo-grid were prepared as strong yarn polyester and they were woven type, non-woven type, and wrap knitted type. The sample geo-grids were then coated with PVC. The rib tensile strength tests were conducted to evaluate geo-grid products in terms of tensile strength with regard to single rib. The test was performed according to GRI-GGI. It was concluded again from the experiments that the tensile and creep strains of the geo-grid showed such stable values that the geo-grid prepared in this study could protect geo-textile partially in practical structures.



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