패션쇼 관람만족에 영향을 미치는 패션쇼구성요인에 관한 연구

The effects of the components of a fashion show on viewing satisfaction

  • 최현주 (경기대학교 이벤트국제회의학과) ;
  • 신영옥 (부산예술대학 패션광고모델학과)
  • Choi, Hyun-Joo (Dept. of Event & Convention, Kyunggi University) ;
  • Shin, Young-Ok (Dept. of Fashion Advertising Model, Busan Arts College)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.28


The purpose of this study is to identify how the components of a fashion show can influence the perception of the spectators, and what the spectators most like in a fashion show. Through the analysis on the literature reviews and in-depth interviews with professional's organizing fashion shows we established a list of the main components, which allowed us to set up a questionnaire. The results regarding the viewing satisfaction of the spectators at a fashion show were investigated and came out as follows: First, the components of fashion show are generally viewed to be four factors: the program, the directing, the model, and the sets. These four factors are influencing the perception of the spectators and are very important to the success of a fashion show and the enjoyment of a fashion show by spectators. Second, it is shown to us that the most influential factor for the perception is 'the directing'(stage scenery, background music, lighting, effects etc.), and the next is 'the sets'(convenience seat, display, service facilities etc.). So, in order to raise the level of satisfaction for the spectators, it is advisable to concentrate on these two main factors. Finally, we would suggest that the organizer of a fashion show shall carefully analyze how spectators understand and perceive the components of a fashion show. This study provides information about how the components of a fashion show can influence the spectator's perception and presents suggestions on how to improve a fashion show by reorienting it towards the satisfaction of the spectator. In addition, there needs to be a strategy by customer satisfaction experience to reinforce a customer-oriented fashion show and heighten a viewing satisfaction for spectators.



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