서천 오석리유적 출토 토기복원
Restoration of Excavated Earthenware in Seo Chun Oh Suk-li Site, Korea
- Chung, Kwang-yong (The Korean National University of Cultural Heritage, Dept. of Conservation Science) ;
- Kang, Tae-chun (KangTaeChun Ceramic Art Studio) ;
- Lim, Se-jin (National Science Museum, History of Science & Technology Exhibits Research Division)
- 발행 : 2007.12.17
Restoration of earthenware is largely composed of selection of clay, making(forming), and firing. This study lays emphasis on the making method and open-air firing. For making methods, This study used coiling method partly with priority given to ring method. The most significant feature of this restoration work is the making method of tap-forming, in which 외박자(out tap instrument) and 내박자(inter tap instrument) would be tapped and formed. For firing, This study used open-air firing method in the most primitive way. This method needs no special device and equipment and makes the work more simple and easy. The previous study was on the making method by archeological and preservation-scientific research but this study emphasized the restoration work in an actual earthenware maker's position. Through the result of this study, This study wish this would be an opportunity to present another model of various restoration methods for other researchers those who wanted to participate in the restoration and openair firing.