Survey on the effect of government paid denture project by the participating dentists

노인의치보철사업 참여 치과의사의 참여 만족도와 사업개선방안에 대한 연구

  • Published : 2007.10.01


Few reports regarding the effect of government paid denture project for low-income elders evaluated by the participating dentists are available despite the project was launched in 2002. Thus, this study investigated the effect of the project evaluated by the participating dentists and suggested public health policies for the better development of the project. Survey questionnaire regarding desire to continue participation, motivation of the participation, list of complaints, wish of the payment increase, and wish of the abutment crown increase were completed by 117 dentists in Seoul and Pusan. 78.6% of them desired to continue the participation while 16.2 % of them did not. When the motivation of participation was the service for the society, they tended to show the desire of continuing participation. Half of them were satisfied with the current payment(50.4%), while the other 47.9% did not. Complicated oral health status(48.7%), poor cooperation of patients(8.5%) and too frequent after cares low payment(6.8%) were complained. Payment increase compensating the addition of preprosthetic procedures for the complicated oral health status and the after cares was desired. Also, more thorough education regarding the denture project for the patients by the public health center is needed to alleviate the inconvenience of the participating dentists.
