Toroidal Manifolds and Dehn Fillings on Links

  • Sayari, Nabil (Departement de Mathematiques et de Statistique, Universite de Moncton)
  • 투고 : 2006.03.07
  • 발행 : 2007.09.23


Let M be a hyperbolic 3-manifold such that ${\partial}M$ has at least two boundary tori ${\partial}_oM$ and ${\partial}_1M$. Suppose that M contains an essential orientable surface P of genus $g$ with one outer boundary component ${\partial}_oP$, lying in ${\partial}_oM$ and having slope ${\lambda}$ in ${\partial}_oM$, and $p$ inner boundary components ${\partial}_iP$, $i=1$, ${\cdots}$, $p$, each having slope ${\alpha}$ in ${\partial}_1M$. Let ${\beta}$ be a slope in ${\partial}_1M$ and suppose that $M({\beta})$ is toroidal. Let $\hat{T}$ be a minimal essential torus in $M({\beta})$, which means that $\hat{T}$ is pierced a minimal number of times by the core of the ${\beta}$-Dehn filling, among all essential tori in $M({\beta})$. Let $T=\hat{T}{\cap}M$ and denote by $t$ the number of components of ${\partial}T$. In this paper we prove: (i) if $t{\geq}3$, then ${\Delta}({\alpha},{\beta}){\leq}6+\frac{10g-5}{p}$, (ii) If $t=2$, then ${\Delta}({\alpha},{\beta}){\leq}13+\frac{24g-12}{p}$, (iii) If $t=1$, then ${\Delta}({\alpha},{\beta}){\leq}1$.



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