오징어 먹물을 첨가한 Yellow Layer Cake 개발에 관한 연구

The Development of Yellow Layer Cake with Cuttlefish Ink

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study was performed to develop a functional yellow layer cake with added cuttlefish ink, by evaluating its physiochemical properties and sensory qualities. Viscosity tended to increase, and height decrease, with the addition of cuttlefish ink. The sensory evaluation revealed the addition of cuttlefish ink in the cake. Specifically, at the 0.3% level color, flavor, and gumminess were enhanced. The brightness(L) of the crumb was highest in the in the control group, at 72.76, and decreased with increasing amounts of cuttlefish ink. The crust of the yellow layer cake was highest in the control group. Furthermore, redness(a) of the crumb was lowest in the control group. but for the crust, it was highest in the control group at crust. Yellowness(b) decreased with increasing amounts of cuttlefish ink for both the crumb and crust. The hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness of the yellow layer cake was highest in the control group.



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