오븐가열 및 땅콩첨가 제조방법이 구운 약과의 품질특성에 미치는 영향

Quality characteristics of non-fried Yackwa according to the methods of baked-in-oven and peanut addition

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


Yackwa is used as one of foods prepared for traditional rituals and holidays and enjoyed as snacks. Since Yackwas are fried, they contain oil, which can cause rancidity and undermines the freshness of Yackwas during distribution to retailers, not to mention a high level of calories. The study aims to develop baked Yackwas and analyze the quality in terms of calorie levels and characteristics by baking Yackwas in oven. Calorie level was 4.65 kcal/g in fried Yackwa, 3.96 kcal/g in baked Yackwa, and 2.95 kcal/g in baked peanut Yackwa prior to dip coating of grain syrup. baked Yackwa showed hardness of 13476.33 $g/cm^2$ before dipping in grain syrup, which was harder than 1912.56 $g/cm^2$ of fried Yackwa. After grain syrup coating, hardness of baked Yackwa reduced more significantly, compared with that of fried Yackwa, as grain syrup permeated through texture of Yackwa. And less hardness makes baked Yackwa tastier. Sensory evaluation was measured in a 5-point scale. Scores for texture and taste of baked Yackwa outpaced those of fried Yackwa. Score for the overall quality was 3.65 in baked Yackwa and 3.25 in baked peanut Yackwa, compared to 2.85 of fried Yackwa, indicating a higher potential of commercializing(p<0.05).



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