A Practical Application of Multiple Wave Models to the Small Fishery Harbor Entrance

  • Jung, Jae-Hyun (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime university) ;
  • Lee, Joong-Woo (Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime university) ;
  • Jeon, Min-Su (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime university) ;
  • Kang, Seok-Jin (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime university)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


Samchunpo(Sin Hyang) Harbor is located in the bay of Sa Chun, the central south coast of Korean peninsula. The harbor and coastal boundaries have been protecting by natural coastal islands and shoals. Currently, The Sin Hyang harbor needs maintenance and renovation of the sheltered structures against the weather deterioration and typhoon damages. Consequently to support this, the calculation of accurate design wave through the typhoon wave attack is necessary. In this study, calculation of incident wave condition is simulated using steady state spectrum energy wave model(wide area wave model) from 50 years return wave condition. And this simulation results in wide offshore area were used for the input of the extended mild slope wave model at the narrow coastal area. Finally, the calculation of design wave at Sin Hyang harbor entrance was induced by Boussinesq wave model(detail area wave model) simulation. The numerical model system was able to simulate wave transformations from generation scale to shoreline or harbor impact. We hope these results will be helpful to the engineers doing placement, design, orientation, and evaluation of a wide range of potential solutions in this area.



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