대사증후군과 뇌심혈관질환 발병위험도 평가와의 연관성: 일개 사업장 남성 근로자를 대상으로

The Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Korean Cardiocerebrovascular Risk Assessment: for Male Researchers in a Workplace

  • 윤종완 (을지대학교병원 산업의학과) ;
  • 이경진 (을지대학교병원 산업의학과) ;
  • 이상윤 (서울대학교 보건대학원 산업의학과) ;
  • 오장균 (을지대학교병원 산업의학과)
  • Yoon, Jong-Wan (Department of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Eulji University Hospital) ;
  • Yi, Kyung-Jin (Department of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Eulji University Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Yun (Department of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, School of Public Health, Seoul National University) ;
  • Oh, Jang-Gyun (Department of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Eulji University Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


Objectives: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome has recently increased, Payments from the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation for compensation for mortality in workers caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have also increased in Korea in recent years. The association of metabolic syndrome and cardiocerebrovascular disease has been investigated by several researchers in recent studies, This study was conducted in an attempt to characterize the relationship between metabolic syndrome and Korean cardiocerebrovascular disease risk assessment, and to provide basic data to group health practices for the prevention of cardiocerebrovascular disease. Methods: Health examinations were previously conducted for 1526 male researchers at a private laboratory. The prevalence by age and the odds ratio of metabolic syndrome scores into the "cardiocerebrovascular risk group" (sum of low, intermediate, and high risk groups) of the Korean cardiocerebrovascular disease risk assessment were assessed, in an effort to elucidate the associations between metabolic syndrome and cardiocere brovascular disease risk assessment. Results: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome and inclusion in the cardiocerebrovascular risk group was 11,7% and 22.1% respectively. The severity of metabolic syndrome and cardiocerebrovascular risk assessment showed that individuals in their 40's and 50's were at higher risk than those in their 30's (p<0,001). The age-adjusted odds ratio of metabolic syndrome to cardiocere brovascular risk group inclusion was 5.6. Conclusions: An active prevention program for cardiocerebrovascular disease needs to begin in the 40's, as the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the risk group of cardiocerebrovascular risk assessment peak in the 40's age group. The odds ratio between metabolic syndrome and the cardiocerebrovascular risk group was high, which indicates that metabolic syndrome scores should be utilized as guidelines during the consultation and behavioral modification program for the workplace prevention of cardiocerebrovascular diseases in group health practices.



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