Saanen 젖염소에서 발생한 Pasteurella multocida에 의한 유방염 예

A Case of Mastitis Infected with Pasteurella multocida in Saanen Dairy Goat

  • 이채용 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 이정치 (서정대학 애완동물학과) ;
  • 선재승 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 이윤경 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 박하연 (전남대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김영철 (전남대학교 수의과대학)
  • Lee, Chai-Yong (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Jeong-Chi (Department of veterinary nurse and pets sciences, Seojeong College) ;
  • Sun, Jae-Sung (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Youn-Kyung (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Park, Ha-Yeon (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Chul (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


A 3-years-old female Saanen dairy goat was admitted to the Teaching Animal Hospital at Chonnam National University with clinical signs of poor appetites, reddish darkness udder and bloody milk. She died one day after hospitalization, and Pasteurella multocida was isolated from the mammary gland and was confirmed by the PCR assay using a P. multocida-specific primer set. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of mastitis caused by P. multocida in Saanen dairy goat in Korea.



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