Eco-Cultural Resources and Regional Activation of Maritime Area

도서해양의 생태.문화자원의 활용과 지역 활성화

  • Hong, Sun-Kee (Institute of Island Culture, Mokpo National University)
  • 홍선기 (국립목포대학교 도서문화연구소)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


Natural resource of the island and coastal regions is one of the most important element of ecological network system in Korea. Currently, there is trend that natural and biological resources such as fishing and tidal wetland have been used to local economic activation in island and coastal regions. According to the 5-days work in a week, island and coastal regions become important amenity resource of citizen's recreation area. Korea is peninsula surrounded by maritime. Especially, South and West Sea surrounded by many islands and tidal flat wetlands are emerging marine ecosystem and seascape in the world. Natural resource is limited, so we have to sustain those resource to current tourism. In this study, I would like to suggest that importance of cultural resource as well as natural resource for 'eco-cultural tourism' in order to keep both biological diversity and cultural diversity as amenity resource for future island economic activation in Korea.



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