Comparison of Quantum Wells based on InGaAs(P)/InP and InGa(Al)As/InAlAs Material Systems in View of Carrier Escape Times for High-Saturation-Optical-Power Electroabsorption Modulators

  • Received : 2007.08.27
  • Published : 2007.09.25


We compare electroabsorption modulators (EAMs) with multiple quantum wells (MQWs) based on InGaAs(P)/InP and InGa(Al)As/InAlAs material systems. We carefully choose the quantum-well structures so that the structures based on different material systems have similar band-offset energies and excition-peak wavelengths. Assuming the same light wavelength of $1.55{\mu}m$, we show the transfer functions of EAMs with each quantum-well structure and calculate the escape times of photogenerated charge carriers. As the heavy-hole escape time of the quantum well based on InGaAs(P)/InP is much longer than those of photogenerated charge carriers of InGa(Al)As/InAlAs, the EAM based on the InGa(Al)As/InAlAs material seems to be more suitable for high-optical-power operation.



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Cited by

  1. Optical properties of InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum wells for the 1520–1580 nm spectral range vol.50, pp.9, 2016,