Phylogenetic Characteristics of viable but Nonculturable Bacterial Populations in a Pine Mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) Forest Soil

송이 자생군락 토양 내 난배양성 세균군집의 계통학적 특성

  • Kim, Yun-Ji (Institute of Microbial Ecology & Resources, Mokwon University) ;
  • Whang, Kyung-Sook (Institute of Microbial Ecology & Resources, Mokwon University)
  • 김윤지 (목원대학교 미생물생태자원연구소) ;
  • 황경숙 (목원대학교 미생물생태자원연구소)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


The CFDA (6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate) direct viable count method and plate count (PC) method using conventional nutrient broth (NB) medium and $10^{-2}$ diluted NB (DNB) medium were applied to samples collected from Mt. Yongdoo In Andong, in an effect to determine the number of living bacteria pine mushroom forest soil. The number of living bacteria determined via plate count in NB medium comprised $5{\sim}8%$ of the CFDA direct viable count, and the bacteria in the DNB medium comprised $40{\sim}47%$. This result indicated that viable but nonculturable (VBNC) bacteria existed in the pine mushroom forest soil at a high percentage. The phylogenetic characteristics of the VBNC bacterial populations in the samples of pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) forest soil were analyzed via the direct extraction of DNA and 16S rDNA-ARDRA. The 115 clones from pine mushroom forest soil were clustered into 31 different RFLP phylotypes by ARDRA. Based on the 16S rDNA sequences, the 31 ARDRA clusters were classified into 6 phylogenetic groups: ${\alpha}-,\;{\beta}-,\;{\gamma}-Proteobacteria$, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. Among these bacterial populations, approximately 85% were classified as members of phylum Acidobacteria. The Acidobacteria phylum was shown to exist abundantly in the pine mushroom forest soil.

송이 자생군락 토양 내 세균군집의 정량적 평가를 수행한 결과 CFDA 형광염색법을 이용해 직접 계수된 생균수는 $7.4{\pm}1.19{\times}10^8{\sim}1.07{\pm}0.17{\times}10^9cells/g$ soil로 육즙영양배지(nutrient broth, NB)에서 배양된 생균수는 CFDA 계수치의 $5{\sim}8%$로 계수되었으며, $10^{-2}$으로 희석한 NB(DNB)배지에서는 $40{\sim}47%$의 계수치를 나타내었다. 이상의 결과로부터 송이 자생군락 토양내에는 배양이 곤란한 난배양성(viable but non-culturable; VBNC)세균이 다수 존재해 있는 것으로 추정되었다. 송이 자생군락 토양내 세균군집의 계통학적 특성을 검토하기 위해 토양으로부터 직접 DNA를 추출하고 16S rDNA-ARDRA cluster 분석을 통하여 대표 clone의 16S rDNA 염기서열 분석을 수행하였다. 송이 자생군락 토양으로부터 구축된 총 115 clone은 31 ARDRA cluster로 분류되었으며, ${\alpha}-,\;{\beta}-,\;{\gamma}-$ Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria 그리고 Firmicutes의 6개 계통군이 확인되었다. 이들 계통군 중 약 85%가 Acidobacteria 계통군에 속하여 압도적인 우점군임이 확인되어 매우 독특한 계통학적 특성을 나타내었다.



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